Stress, Sleep and Health (infographic)

By Nadja Conaghan

We all do it and we cannot live without it. Sleep. Sleep is such an underestimated superpower for our physical and mental health. A lot of magic is happening when we sleep. And when we don’t get enough of it, it can have not only short-term but also permanent negative consequences.

Therefore, it is important that we get enough restful sleep each night. Even though, there seems to be a big debate how much sleep we really need, most people need between 7 to 9 hours sleep. Some might naturally need a little bit less while others only function after 10 hours of sleep. Whatever amount of sleep you need, everyone who has been sleep-deprived experienced the physical, mental and emotional impact to a degree. So it is in your best interest to get enough quality sleep to be the best version at home and at work. Ironically, when you need sleep the most to perform your best, e.g. on a project, when starting a new role or going through a hard time at work (e.g. restructure), you don’t get enough quality sleep. Even though you try, you are tossing and turning all night. The reason – STRESS. Stress activates the autonomic nervous system (fight-flight response), i.e. a heightened state of arousal which can cause sleep deprivation.


7 Tips for better sleep when you are stressed

  • Relax through mindfulness meditation

  • Exercise for improving your physical & mental wellbeing

  • No coffee & alcohol (or try to reduce the intake)

  • Set boundaries: Apply “Leave work at work” mindset and apply “switch-off” strategies

  • Seek support from family or friends (or professional support)

  • Develop healthy sleep habits and routines

  • Keep the bedroom cold (18 degrees)

Sleep and stress.png


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