Under Pressure: Diamond vs Coal
By Nadja Conaghan
Diamonds are made from carbon and are formed under extreme conditions of intense heat and pressure that cause carbon atoms to crystallise. In other words, something ordinary can become something extraordinary under pressure. That does not mean that pressure always create diamonds. In fact, coal is also created from carbon under pressure and heat. Both, coal and diamond are made primarily from carbon, however, their chemical structures are significantly different.
Diamonds are made from the purest form of carbon. Any slight impurity in the source of carbon can cause changes in colour and may become less desirable as they don’t have all the qualities of a pure diamond.
Coal is formed from highly impure carbon that often contains elements like oxygen, selenium, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur.
Source: https://iwastesomuchtime.com/15260
How to make diamonds
The famous quote from Henry Kissinger that “a diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure” is actually incorrect. Coal and diamonds are rather the results of how you are under pressure.
So how do you create diamonds?
The Purity of Carbon
The purer the carbon, the better the quality of the diamond.
How pure are you? Are you clear and stay true to your values and beliefs? Do you have clear and good intentions? Do you have the right level of skills needed? Do you have clear and non-conflicting goals aligned to your values and beliefs? Are your actions clear, purposeful and aligned to your values and goals?
You may not be hundred percent pure all the time which is okay. Small amounts of impurity make you unique and gives you that special colour or edge. As long as you are more pure than impure, you are still a diamond.
Unwanted elements make coal
Add unwanted elements, such as sulfur or selenium, to carbon under pressure and you get coal instead of diamonds.
What are the unwanted elements in your life? Negative and unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about yourself, others and the challenge ahead? Unhealthy and damaging actions and self-sabotage? A toxic (work) environment?
What do you do to remove the unwanted elements from your life? Replace your negative thoughts and beliefs with positive and empowering ones. Practice self-care and self-compassion. Surround yourself with supporting and inspiring people. Seek help and support when you need to remove the load. Develop new skills and apply effective strategies to prevent or eliminate “unwanted elements”.
The right pressure
The right pressure is important. If you want to get the best out of yourself, you need to get out of your comfort zone, so you can grow into a diamond.
Diamond vs Coal - Make a conscious Choice what you want to be.
Granted, coal is something very useful. But having a closer look, who is coal really useful to? Coal is used by others; and after you’ve been used and burned (out), you are no longer valued and useful.
A diamond on the other hand, remains useful (e.g. cutting and polishing other diamonds) and is highly valued by others.
So what do you want to be, and what do you need to do to become that?