The Power of Humor, Laughter and Smiling (PLUS infographic)

By Nadja Conaghan

Let me ask you a question. Do you rather work in a team where people laugh and have fun, or in a team where everyone is quiet and serious all the time?

Having fun or a laugh together is good for team morale and team cohesion. We all like to come to work where everyone in the team is cheerful, smiling and can have a laugh, right? It makes a huge difference. It creates a safe and supporting environment where people can thrive, feel safe and can bring their true self to work.


Laughter is the Best Medicine

When you smile or laugh, happy hormones are released – such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

Humor and laughter produce a discharge of endorphins with both euphoric and calming effects.

Laughing is medically proven to be good for our physical and mental health.[1] Laughter and humor:

  • reduce the perception of stress and help to make you more resilient.

  • lift mood and make you happier.

  • elevate the pain threshold and can help break the cycle between pain, sleep loss, depression, and immunosuppression.

  •  …lower blood pressure, epinephrine, and glucose levels, and increase glucose tolerance.

  • …assist in the recovery and prevention of cancer by increasing natural killer cell activity, the response of gamma interferon and T cells, and improve the defense against respiratory infections.

  • …can convey a sense of humanity, overcome barriers, build trust and encourage empathy - when humour is used is appropriately.

  • …can tame our inner critic, and can be used to boost self-esteem.

How it impacts the team

Smiling and laughing are mood boosters not only for yourself but also for others around your. Smiling and laughing are contagious. It is hard not to smile back when someone smiles at us. Try to keep a straight face when you see joyful and happy laughter.

Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.”

- Albert Schweitzer -

Laughter and humor in a group setting can [1]:

  • strengthen interpersonal relationships,

  • promote group bonding,

  • facilitate teamwork and cooperation, and

  • defuse conflict.

How can you incorporate humor and fun at work?

It all starts with you.

  • Start work with a smile on your face; and smile when you attend a (virtual) meeting.

  • Have cartoons and pictures near your desk that cheer you up, make you smile or laugh. It doesn’t have to be a funny picture. Sometimes a picture of someone that is very important to you (e.g. your partner or child, or your pet) can bring an instant smile on your face and let the happy hormones flow.

  • Share the joy with others in the team - a good news story or a small or huge win.

  • Share (appropriate) cartoons, funny pictures and jokes with others.

  • The last one that comes to a meeting/ stand up, has to tell a joke.

  • Fun activities in virtual meetings (e.g. dress up days).
