SELF-CARE: Do you look after yourself like you do after your Car? (PLUS infographic)

By Nadja Conaghan

Photo taken from Paul Lawford

Photo taken from Paul Lawford

Maybe it is the German in me - I like to use the analogy of looking after your high-performing sports car when explaining the importance of self-care. It is a great feeling to drive a high-performing sports car - let’s say a nice Porsche. You may be tempted to test its limits at times regarding speed and performance. However, what happens when we drive our Porsche everyday to its maximum; and never take any breaks, never re-fuel and never regular service your car? It will overheat; run out of fuel or simply break down - sometimes not only harming yourself but also people around you.

In other words, to reach your full potential and ensuring that you can “enjoy the ride” you need to look after yourself.

What does looking yourself look like?

Sometimes we look better after our car and others than we look after ourselves. How can we apply the looking after your high-performing car to self-care?

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Check and monitor the dashboard

Are you running low on energy and fuel? Are you in the red zone? Are there warning lights flashing on your dashboard? Be mindful of your personal (physical, mental and emotional) signs and symptoms indicating that you are stressed or exhausted. Take them as a warning sign to do something before you break down and it is too late.

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Regular Check-Up and Service

Get your high-performing car checked and serviced on a regular basis to ensure that it runs at an optimal level. Check oil, brakes, engine and electronics and make any adjustments if needed.

Have regular medical check-up to ensure you’re healthy and detect early signs quickly. Get the the right medical treatment and interventions (incl. physio and supplements) so you can have a long, enjoyable and healthy life.


Be alert and mindful of happens on the road

Be mindful of your environment and others on the road. What are the road and weather conditions? What do other drivers do?

There are always things that you can and cannot control in your environment, e.g. working conditions, people’s behaviours or economic situation. Accept what you cannot control, adjust and move on. However, you can always control your thoughts, behaviour and attitude. Make a mindful choice.

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Make sure you put the right fuel in - i.e. only the high-quality fuel for high-performance. Stay away from low-quality fuel that harms you. In other words,

  • Have a healthy and balanced diet and stay away from toxins (e.g. alcohol).

  • Feed your mind good and useful thoughts, beliefs and attitude. Stay away from toxic and harmful ones, this also includes toxic people.

  • Create healthy habits and routines (e.g. mindfulness and gratitude).

It is also important that you not only know what fuel to put in but also when it is time to fuel up.


Shift gears

Depending on the situation and road conditions - such as speed limit, traffic jam or going up or down a hill - you need to switch gears accordingly to ensure you run at an optimal level and don’t damage your car. In other words, switch between working hard and resting (relax and recharge).


breaks and rest

Hit the breaks when you go to fast; and rest when you fatigue.

While shifting gears is about knowing when to switch, this is about finding the right balance between working hard and resting. Take timely and proper breaks (i.e. resting) to clear your head and recharge, so you can perform effectively and efficiently. Creating healthy sleeping habits and getting enough sleep is crucial for mental and physical health and wellbeing (see also 8 Things you should not do before bed).


Clean inside and outside

You want your Porsche not only be good but also look good - i.e. “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. You want a clean car inside and outside; an no scratches or dents.

Get rid off and replace unhealthy habits, thoughts and beliefs that damage your physical and mental health. Treat yourself and make yourself feel good in your own skin - e.g. a massage, a nice and relaxing bath, some yoga or nice workout session.

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Right Tyres

Have the right tyres with the optimal tyre pressure. Change tires according to the season and its conditions.

Have the right wellbeing tools, strategies and skills ready that suit your situation and needs. Build and extend your personal wellbeing toolkit.


Have the Right passenger(s) On board

Who do you have as your passenger? Someone who is distracting you? Someone is holding you back and criticising you constantly? Someone who taunts you and encourages to drive risky in an unsafe and unpredictable environment? Do have someone who can jump in and be backup driver?

Who you surround yourself with makes a huge difference on your personal (physical and mental) health and wellbeing. Have the right social support in your network (i.e. family, colleagues and community). Choose your company wisely.

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Plan for the journey

Where do you want to go? Where do you stop to enjoy the view or fuel up? When do you leave? What is the best route?

Have clear and achievable goals - both, for your career and wellbeing. Create good and healthy routines and habits to achieve them, this includes gaining new skills and knowledge as well as discipline and effort. Plan ahead, so there are no surprises and so you set yourself up for success.

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