Posts tagged self care
Selflessness through Self-Care, Self-Compassion and Self-Development

Selflessness is “caring more about what other people need and want than about what you yourself need and want“. I believe selflessness is a noble act. However, too much of a good thing is bad. How can you “pour from an empty cup.” Let’s rethink our beliefs about selflessness. Self-care, self-compassion and self-development are forms of selflessness.

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SELF-CARE: Do you look after yourself like you do after your Car? (PLUS infographic)

Maybe it is the German in me - I like to use the analogy of looking after your high-performing sports car when explaining the importance of self-care. It is a great feeling to drive a high-performing sports car. You may be tempted to test its limits at times regarding speed and performance. However, when we drive our Porsche everyday to its maximum, and never take any breaks, never re-fuel and never regular service your car, you won’t have a fun ride long-term. To reach your full potential and ensuring that you can “enjoy the ride” you need to look after yourself.

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