Into the wild: Why camping is good for your body, mind and soul.


By Nadja Conaghan

I got a call from a good friend late afternoon on a Friday before a long weekend. He asked me if I wanted to join them camping this weekend and bring my dog Dougie.

Usually, I would say no or defer the decision to think about it… However, this time I said “yes” straight away. I knew I needed a break after a few hectic weeks and saw this as a sign that I couldn’t ignore.

And I was right. Even though I took my notebook and a book to do some work in case I was “bored”, I didn’t think a single moment about work and fully enjoyed my little time-out instead. In fact, I came back relaxed, energized, inspired. The three days away felt like a two weeks holiday.

So why is camping good for you?

No electronics.png

1. Be away from electronics, screens and other distractions.

Going away on a camping trip with no internet connection and no electricity, keeps you away from distractions, such as social media, TV and gaming. You fill your time with meaningful activities and feel you used your time wisely.


 2. Get some fresh air and connect with nature.

Going for a hike. Swimming in a creek, lake or ocean. Relaxing in your camping chair and enjoy nature. Watching the wild life or just how peacefully the tree brunches move in the light breeze. The air is fresh and clear.


 3. Be physically active.

Putting up and down the tent. Going for hikes or a swim. Fishing in a lake or in the ocean – maybe in a kayak. Looking for wood for the campfire at night. Making dinner. Playing cricket, frisbee, footy or soccer. Most of the day will be filled with activities other than sitting in your camping chair and having a drink. There is always something to do and sort out before it gets dark. Checking my FitBit after the trip, I was surprised that I never had a day under 15,000 steps. A great workout.


 4. Time does not exit.

I tend to forget that I had a watch on my wrist. The sun told me when it was time to get up, be active, have lunch or dinner and when to go to sleep. I felt less rushed and no time-pressure. I enjoyed every moment instead and took the time it takes to do things.


 5. Enjoy and appreciate the simple life.

They say that people who has less and live a simple life, are happier. Camping in the nature is a very simple life and it is a good life too. It makes you appreciate the small things and I have to say that the food we cooked outside never tasted better.


 6. Enjoy the moment - time for mindfulness, silence and peace.

I became more mindful and grateful when I did little things that I tend to do automatically - like eating food or drinking a cup of tea. I remember one early morning when I went with my dog Dougie for a walk. I was fully aware of my surroundings and was in the moment, not thinking about anything. I felt so grateful and at peace seeing the early morning sun through the fog. Seeing horses and cows munching on their breakfast. Seeing and hearing lorikeets and cockatoos flying.


 7. Spend quality time with the important people in your life.

Going camping with family or friends means spending quality time together and connect. Doing things together like putting up the tent, cooking, cleaning up, hiking or sports is so enjoyable and strengthens the bond. When doing things together, we were most of the time being in sync - no words were needed - and these moments were often followed by smiles, laughter and giggles. I enjoyed the conversations at night sitting in our camping chairs, sipping freshly made peppermint tea and watching possums walking around on the campsite.


8. Time to reflect.

Being away and spending some of your time in silence, gives you plenty of opportunity to reflect and think clearly without any pressure or deadlines. It gives you perspective and maybe even a eureka moment.


 9. Potentially better sleep.

When you are in the wilderness, you tend to sleep early, usually shortly after the sun goes down. Being active all day and having some fresh air may even improve your sleeping quality and duration.